Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Specialized Hard Rock with the Best Bag Setup

The Specialized Hard Rock has become my alternative winter ride during Vermont's periodic dry spells. While the Peugeot step-through, bedecked with studded tires, always takes precedence on snowy surfaces, I've learned to keep a backup bike handy. The Hard Rock's wider tires strike the right balance for safety; handlebars easily support my lights; and two racks allow ample carrying capacity.

The best use for this bag.
Recently, I moved a favorite, versatile bag behind the seat, using it like a quasi-seat pack. Straps are secured to rails with buckles looping around the rack. Any weight is fully supported on the rack. It has been perfect: extra cargo space for a few tools, my purse, a lock, and room for other things. If I plan to pick up a few groceries, I bring an additional bag, attached to the front rack. In the past, all my bikes had panniers - the more space, the merrier! - but for once, just enough space seems like a better arrangement. It's also been much easier to clean the drive train.

I've thoroughly enjoyed riding the Hard Rock this winter.

The more I ride the Hard Rock, the more this bike makes me smile.  

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