My hands suffer when it gets cold. While I have bar mitts attached to my commuter Peugeot, that bike is also decked with studded tires until the weather gods decide it's really spring, so alternative mittens are required to keep my digits from freezing, especially if I ride another bike on dry roads. Or, walking, shoveling, etc.
I'd read how leather mittens with wool liners are some of the warmest outdoor wear you'll find, so I took the opportunity to replace some failing synthetic lined mittens with LLBean's version.
Call them what you will: double layers, choppers, chopper mitts, work mittens, or leather mitts, ultimately, they're the warmest mittens I've ever used!
The leather shell blocks the wind, grips the handle bar, while the wool liner is warm and replaceable, should one eventually need to. Critical is the air pocket between liner and shell that traps warmth. And if both get wet, just air dry separately.
There are many brands available in this type of arrangement. And not to worry, I can grasp the shifters and brake levers just fine.
I'm reminded of the Dr Seuss book, The Lorax and Thneed - the thing that everyone needs!
Neoprene is so common when it comes to cycling cold weather gear, I don't think I ever considered leather with a wool liner, but I like the recommendation. Could probably even apply a waterproofing like we would put on our old leather hiking boots (or new ones for that matter). Not that I often worry about such things here.