Sunday, November 22, 2020

Coffeeneuring 2020 - Seventh Cup at the Fishing Pier

Focusing on Gratitude

I'm trying to be positive in a world upended by chaos, by concentrating on little things, like being thankful for still being able to ride a bicycle. This is at the root of who I am as a person: I find joy in moving slowly, smelling leaves, listening to bird calls, gazing at Lake Champlain in all its year-round moods. Isn't it amazing that a simple machine can provide so much joy?

Thank you bicycle! 

And thank you MG for hosting the 2020 Coffeeneuring Challenge.

7 full cups of gratitude:

  • Special time with son exploring area's mountain bike trails
  • Spending time with a cycling friend
  • Personal comfort in solitude 
  • Grateful to be living near water
  • Ample time to explore our new community and autumn's colorful foliage 
  • Very thankful for any sunshine on my face
  • Gratitude for the power of two wheels

The Place: The Fishing Pier
Date: Friday, November 12
Drink: Barry's Tea with milk and sugar
Observation: When the temperature drops below 50F, thankfully the hordes on the Greenway disappear.
Total Miles: 15

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