Sunday, June 28, 2015

Burlington Streets Challenge - The Little Things

Another installment in the series to ride every public road within Burlington's city limits in 2015.

My rides around town are often punctuated with chipmunks and squirrels darting across the road. However, I am also treated to sweet cottontail sightings - this particular one along a bike path. There is a proliferation of wild bunnies this year. Perhaps next year we'll see more foxes, and thus less of the former animals, which seems to be a cycle here in Burlington.

I've noticed that people often attach personal messages to public signage.

One neighborhood has a private beach house and sandy beach.

Meandering along streets in the evening then scooting back to camp, anticipating a spectacular sunset, is often a special highlight.

Heading north on the bike path to meet up with a friend, I stopped to inspect a new sign, then was struck by the increase in bike signage. One year Cycle The City displayed their new logo, just last year the Bike Path Rehabilitation sign appeared, and now Bike Rentals are offered at popular North Beach. If there is anything that exemplifies the uptick in our cycling population, this is it.

My maps to date, Completed streets marked with red marker. North End of Burlington at left; Central and South
End at right. Due to elongated city limits, maps are divided but do not correctly align.
Burlington hugs the Lake Champlain shoreline, north to south.

Along with the little things I've discovered, I have a new buddy who's happy to tool around the north end of Burlington with me. She rides a leisurely pace, loves looking at houses, is as delighted as I am to explore most anything because she's new to Burlington and absolutely loved my idea of riding all city streets - and didn't look at me like I was attempting something weird. In fact, she loved the idea. She also recently bought a house that's convenient to our summer camp on the lake, plus she rides a blazing yellow cruiser bicycle. It's funny and fortuitous, our initial connection being friends who live in Colorado, who recommended we hook up because we both love the outdoors.

Completed Streets (I'm logging and quantifying street names because the city did not offer a total list. Part of the fun is wondering how many names I'll end up with.)
  1. Prospect Parkway
  2. Highland Terrace
  3. Riverside Avenue
  4. Hildred Drive
  5. Hillside Terrace
  6. Colchester Avenue
  7. St. Mary Street
  8. Walnut Street
  9. Rose Street
  10. Park Street
  11. Pitkin Street
  12. Blodgett Street
  13. Drew Street
  14. Strong Street
  15. St. Paul Street
  16. South Union Street
  17. North Union Street
  18. Beaumont Street
  19. Lake Street
  20. Leddy Park Road
  21. Northgate Road
  22. Woods Street
  23. Intervale Avenue
  24. Hickok Place
  25. Isham Street
  26. Saratoga Avenue
  27. Village Green
  28. Brandywine Street
  29. Bennington Court
  30. Hale Court
  31. Revere Court
  32. Rivermount Terrace
  33. Morrill Drive
  34. Van Patten Parkway
  35. Billings Court
  36. Rockland Street
  37. Temple Street
  38. Brook Drive
  39. Convent Square
  40. Berry Street
  41. Green Acres Drive
  42. Staniford Road
  43. Grey Meadow Drive
  44. Oakcrest Drive
  45. Woodridge Drive
  46. Institute Road

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Neighborhood Trail in Two Seasons

While scouting possible routes last March to my workplace I discovered a trail tucked away between a private school and a neighboring street. Invisible, really, to all but those who regularly walk or someone like me who are continually seeking faster and or safer bike routes from one place to another. The trail was covered in snow, but excitement, level ground, and chunky tires made the passage fairly easy. However, I didn't return until winter's grip finally loosened and Spring breathed life into the land.

Indeed, I was pleased that it's a cut-through used year round, providing ample shade and a little wilderness in a South Burlington neighborhood. I picture children riding back and forth, weaving around trees, yelling and having fun all summer long—all within the safe confines of a block-long forest.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Early Morning on the Charles River Trail

On a business trip in Massachusetts, I squeezed in an early morning ride along the Charles River Trail. At 5 am there was birdsong, families of geese, and the sounds of river water tumbling on its course towards Boston—all highly unexpected in this congested region.

I began my journey in Waltham, about two miles from my hotel, and pedaled as far as Watertown, approximately 5 miles before turning back.

At first, navigating was tough. The trail frequently switches sides of the river. But I began to look out for signed posts and faded blue painted bird-tracks on the asphalt, guiding path users at river crossings.

There were also interesting bridges and ramps, numerous overlooks, and a mixture of gravel and pavement, which held my interest. I couldn't wait to see what was around the bend.

It was a humid start to another scorching day, but sometimes you gotta suck it up and just ride.

And with scenery like this, well, it made a perfect start to my workday.

Thank you, Charles River Trail!