Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dorset Street Bike Path - A Grass Roots Effort

I'd passed the sign for two weeks - I'm the last to arrive home for dinner so best mash the pedals and make good time. With an hour commute each way I'm reluctant to tack on mileage in either direction, with the exception of picking up groceries or pet food, which alters my route a mere quarter mile. Yesterday, curiosity go the better of me and I stopped. In hindsight, had I noticed the tiny description "Extend the bike path down Dorset Street?" I would've pulled over the first time I zipped past the sign.

I took a slip of paper inside the plastic bag dangling from the cardboard. Residents are distributing an online survey, gauging users interest in a path extension. I dutifully gave my feedback. Yes, of course I'd love a longer path, or at the very least connecting two sections whose gap is a stone's throw. As it is now, I bypass the path heading south, opting to pedal on-road, because of that issue - crossing traffic both ways would needlessly put me in danger. That short connection alone would benefit myself and others.

Anyone else encountering grass roots efforts to jump-start a bike path in your community?

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