It's easy to grab my cable lock from the front handbag, lock the bike. Then it's a simple process of unbuckling two straps. I grab the leather handles and go. My wallet, book, camera, and other items are within easy grasp. I have enough space to stow a grocery item or even an iced coffee—sipped so the contents won't slosh and spill. I often place a water bottle there; the cage is in an awkward position on the Ross. Of course, it takes nice weather to make my set-up work. I find that panniers in this situation are cumbersome, more suited to a longer commute.
My Ross with basket on front. In my situation it's unwieldy to use the basket as opposed to the green bag in the previous photo. |
Do you utilize a front rack or a basket with bracket/straps?
*I will be unplugged for the duration of my adventure.
I have been thinking about putting a front rack on my Raleight DL-1 more of a utility styled one.
ReplyDeleteI have a basket on my old loopframe and it is really handy and great to be able to see my stuff or grab it easily. Your bag and basket look really good on your Ross, I like the way the moustache bars create a space for them to fit into.