Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Paint, Seeds, and Fabric

I lock  my bike to wire bins at Joann's Fabrics. The official rack is at the other end
of the strip mall, too far from the places I frequent.
A colder wind today brought us back to March reality. I set out to buy paint for our front door, fabric for a couple of Annie Projects along with vegetable and flower seeds. I was thinking about planting early leafy and root vegetables. It's also time to sprout tomatoes and basil indoors.

I dug out my fleece gloves and down vest to add to my errand wardrobe. Socks inside sandals were borderline on the ride to the stores and inadequate for the return. With the onset of cold rain later in the day and a whopper of a sinus cold that hit me in one hour, the projects were put on hold. Time for lots of tea and a humidifier.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh...it IS that time of year. I was down with a horrid head-turn-chest cold for weeks ending 3 weeks ago. I hope you feel better soon,my friend :)

    I feel you on bike racks (or even just a secure place to lock to) being on the far end,the wrong end,of where you shop...I have yet to find ANY bike racks other than the chic shops on State Street here,sigh.

    The Disabled Cyclist


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