The glorious sun was shining, a breeze picked up, but otherwise there was a hint of fall in the air. September is my favorite month by far. The bugs have nearly disappeared. My gardens are producing with little maintenance. And I find that cycling is more enjoyable when you aren't sweating as much as in, say July. The sun intensity is waning too. Goodbye sunscreen.
I spent time in the coffee shop and then purchased the tire. Then it was off to Staples, then the library to return videos and sign out a book.
I pedaled a short distance to the perfect picnic spot - Battery Park.
I ate the perfect picnic food - what else, of course but Mrs. Hong's Dumplings! This time I tried her sesame peanut noodles too, though I must say that I make better ones.
With a very full belly, I meandered down to the waterfront. I was lazily pedaling too as I really didn't feel like being on a bike after my three long commute days this week. It was pleasant to feel the sun on my face. I like this pretty little beach on a quiet morning. It's not part of a designated park and mostly the locals come and go. I noticed the limbs and branches swept ashore from tropical storm Irene.
Nearby is a perfect little dirt trail. My family and I sometimes ride here for a bit of variety...
but most of the trail beyond here was swept away with the spring's high water. I go inland for a gentler ride.
Where the path swings back to the paved portion, there is an abandoned parking lot left over from the Shell Oil operation (and which the city doesn't quite know what to do with as it has ground contaminants). Someone has beautified the cracked asphalt. I've always loved this geometric art.
This is a new design. It reminds me of the sun.
I'm still tanned, and it's warm enough for bare feet!
I love the sound of wind in the trees.
A couple of other ladies out for ride.
A glance back at the Coast Guard building where red dragon boats are pulled up alongside the dock.
Bike racks at the Burlington Harbor.
I slowly make my way up the hill to swim laps at the YMCA. This is my steady year round exercise. It compliments cycling very well, yet now that I no longer run I fear I'm lacking in weight bearing sports. Afterward I arrived early and relaxed at my youngest boy's school for pick up time. Yikes! Lots of bikes at the racks.
I love riding with my son up the hill and eventually coasting down to our neighborhood. A perfect ending to a perfect September day.
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