Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Bike for Plants

Last weekend I met a girlfriend for an hour of "plant time" at a local nursery. Patty helped me choose bulbs and a purple aster to add to my fading front garden. She is an eye care professional, but would rather be gardening full-time. As a second job she tends 4 gardens, plus her own extensive rock gardens and communal neighborhood plot. Her dream is to attend a Master Gardening course.

The Ross has turned out to be the perfect load carrying bike. I packed the flowers in the rear basket, supported with the five boxes of bulbs: black tulips, blue tulips, red tulips, allium (recommended by Patty), and daffodils. I said goodbye to my friend and continued to our camp where I harvested two huge basil plants. As you can see, I shifted the flower cargo to the front and bungeed the basil across the back rack.

I wasn't sure if I could manage the entire load 6 miles home without some adjustment, but it proved quite stable.

After viewing my bike from the rear, I can see why everyone on the bike path gave me a wide clearance! I loved the fragrance from the basil. Later, my husband helped me make it all into pesto - yum.


  1. That's fantastic looking basil ! For some reason I never have much success growing it. I have purple asters in my garden and they are always a nice treat to see while one cuts down the the other flowers and stalks, which grew over the spring and summer.

  2. I love basil pesto and hope to harvest mine this week. Hurray to the Ross for its stability!


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