Thursday, September 3, 2015

Ausable Chasm Ride

On my own this summer with only one boy at home, we set off on the ferry to New York state. My son's friend tagged along for the adventure.

Departing the western shore, it's only 3 miles to Ausable Chasm. A place to hike, explore the rock formations, but most especially for the tube ride through narrow cliffs.

It's a daylong adventure, especially when you count the hour long boat ride each way and an ungodly wait on busy weekend days to plop yourself in an inner tube for a 25 minute float. But somehow we look forward to this once every five years. It gets us outdoors, away from digital devices and provides a 10 mile round-trip bike ride from our doorstep. Who doesn't like a ferry ride with a beautiful view of Vermont's Green Mountains and the Burlington Harbor every once in a while?


  1. A ferry ride is awesome I am fortunate to live about a mile uphill from the Fauntleroy Ferry dock and although its been awhile I can do a 30 minute ride over to Vashon Island for a bike ride around the island. On the way you have a gorgeous view of puget sound and the Olympic Mountain range. Of course you are greeted with a one mile climb right off the bat but its a great ride if you have the fitness.

  2. I've been there before! Good idea for a riding destination.


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