Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Happiness is so many things to so many people - from getting married, to having children, helping at a local charity, or traveling for the rest of your life. Before having our children, my favorite activities were a mix of cycling, hiking, skiing, writing, and enjoying friendships all within the context of outdoorsy Portland, Oregon - with my husband always at my side. It was a time of self exploration and taking my body to physical limits that I thought I could never accomplish - yet I did - and found satisfaction in the process.

I no longer have regrets that we moved back home. It was a difficult transition and continued to be for many years as I lived in the shadow of  my western memories while trying to adjust to a life in Vermont with two children. My husband continues to be a rock in my life as I strive for a new meaning of "happiness".

"Happiness is not a station you arrive at,
but a manner of traveling."

Margaret Lee Runbeck from
Time for Each Other

With the onset of the most spectacular winter in 40 years - with time for reflection (thinking time on my cross country skis works wonders!) - I've realized that snippets of happiness remain. There are new discoveries and comforting old loves. I'm learning to refocus my priorities and stitch them, much like the quilts that I construct, back into my life.
  • Exercise: bicycling, skiing, walking, swimming (in that order)
  • Planning bike tours with just my husband
  • Creating things with my hands (sewing, knitting)
  • Writing gives me pleasure
  • Reading gives me education and ideas
  • Enjoying our children - the hugs, the smiles, the growing (all difficult things are just phases)
  • A job where I can learn and be appreciated
  • Renewing friendships
  • I love little furry creatures - think gerbils and rabbits

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