Thursday, February 20, 2014

Skiing on the Causeway

Fall provides easy going riding on the causeway for beautiful lake and mountain vistas.

But winter on the trail provides its own magic.

Especially trading two wheels for two skinny boards. And if the surface is windblown? No worries, now that the lake is frozen. My husband and I vary the out and back trail, skiing sometimes at lake level, then across a bay, exploring a frozen marsh, then breaking trail through woods.

Very few people venture onto the causeway in winter. I like being out there in the quiet, observing ice fisherman in the distance, and dreaming. Dreaming about that stealth overnight we'll get to this year, biking to the end of the trail, where a break in the barrier allows boat traffic to pass through, but we'll be the only ones there at dusk, ready to crawl in our sleeping bags, for a night under the stars, listening to the sounds of water all around.

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